Guild Resources

As of May 2, 2024, the following resources are available to the Guild. These are things we have a team subscription, grant, or partnership for. These are only to be used on Open Source and cannot be used for private or commercial projects.

Beyond what is listed, many companies have non-profit discounts already that we can make use of and many others have shown willingness to provide discounts to us. Don’t hesitate to contact us if there is something you’d like us to try getting.

If you’d like access please contact Jessica Mulein for an invitation.
(alphabetical order)

1Password: /
Password manager- grant/team subscription.

AirTable: The platform to build next‒gen apps | Airtable
Enhanced spreadsheets- grant/team subscription.

Amazon AWS: Cloud Computing Services – Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Amazon Web Services for Nonprofits (
Web hosting and other services- grant.

Auth0: Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone.
Authentication for web projects- grant. Expiring. No budget to renew, but access to a discount.

Team chat/updates/status/discussion- free/team subscription.

DreamHost: Non-profit discount – DreamHost Knowledge Base
Email hosting (also hosts our WordPress for this site)- grant.

GitBook: GitBook – Knowledge management simplified / Donation – Guild Public (
Enhanced documentation/knowledge base- grant/team subscription.

Distributed version control/source control/source sharing- grant/team subscription.

Team whiteboard- grant/team subscription.

MongoDb: MongoDB: The Developer Data Platform | MongoDB
Mongo Database- grant. Expired. Not renewable.

Team documentation- grant/team subscription.

NX/ Intro to Nx | Nx
NX Monorepos- grant/team subscription.

Team knowledgebase- team subscription.

Studio3T: The Ultimate Client, IDE and GUI for MongoDB | Studio 3T
Mongo GUI- discount for members working on open source- 50% discount coupon.

Twilio: Communication APIs for SMS, Voice, Video & Authentication | Twilio
SMS/communication- grant/team subscription.

Website forum:
Team discussion/collaboration/knowledgebase

TechSoup: Product Catalog (
TechSoup is our partner which provides discounted software and hardware resources to non-profits and we are able to extend those benefits to our members for use on Open Source.


  • Jessica Mulein

    Jessica Mulein's dedication to technology began at the tender age of 12, setting the foundation for her future endeavors. In 1995, she co-founded Silicon Connections, an Internet Service Provider that remains active under the leadership of her co-founder. Jessica's career path led her to Microsoft, marking a notable chapter in her professional journey. Parallel to this, her unwavering commitment to Open Source inspired the establishment of Digital Defiance in 2022, which was incorporated in 2023. Even in its early stages, Digital Defiance is actively exploring promising opportunities, such as corporate matching and giving programs. Today, alongside her role at Microsoft, Jessica provides strategic direction as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Digital Defiance.

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