Board of Directors

Jessica Mulein
President/Chief Operating Officer

Board of Directors, Research Partner, Code Contributing, Senior Guild Member

Member since 2023*
*Membership predates official formation

Jessica Mulein’s dedication to technology began at the tender age of 12, setting the foundation for her future endeavors. In 1995, she co-founded Silicon Connections, an Internet Service Provider that remains active under the leadership of her co-founder. Jessica’s career path led her to Microsoft, marking a notable chapter in her professional journey. Parallel to this, her unwavering commitment to Open Source inspired the establishment of Digital Defiance in 2022, which was incorporated in 2023. Even in its early stages, Digital Defiance is actively exploring promising opportunities, such as corporate matching and giving programs. Today, alongside her role at Microsoft, Jessica provides strategic direction as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Digital Defiance.

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Hannah Mulein

Board of Directors, HR, Senior Guild Member

Member since 2023*
*Membership predates official formation

Hannah is an adept professional with a rich and varied background in business management, accumulating over 15 years of experience. She has gained valuable insights from her tenure in payroll at Paychex, a role that has equipped her with an in-depth understanding of financial operations. Additionally, her stint in retail management has honed her skills in team leadership, customer relations, and operational efficiency. Beyond these roles, Hannah’s hands-on involvement in a family-run jewelry business has imbued her with a unique perspective on entrepreneurship and small business dynamics. Notably, Hannah also served on the Advisory Board of the 501c3 organization, Out of the Ashes, exemplifying her commitment to community and philanthropic endeavors. As she joins Digital Defiance, her multifaceted expertise promises to be a significant asset, particularly in bolstering the company’s business strategies and human resources initiatives.

Rui Campos
Vice President, Research Partner

Founding member since March 2023 and welcomed as Vice President 5/27/2024.

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As the President of the organization, your primary duties include providing overall leadership and direction for the organization, representing it at public events, and overseeing its operations. Your specific responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic goals
  • Presiding over board meetings and ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the organization
  • Collaborating with other board members to establish policies and procedures
  • Ensuring that the organization complies with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Managing the organization’s staff and volunteers, if applicable
  • Acting as the primary spokesperson for the organization, including building relationships with key stakeholders and promoting the organization’s work in the community
  • Reviewing and approving the organization’s budget and financial plans, in collaboration with the Treasurer and other board members

Monitoring the organization’s progress towards achieving its goals, and adjusting strategies as needed
Ensuring that the organization maintains a positive image and high ethical standards
Supporting fundraising efforts and identifying potential sources of funding
Collaborating with the Secretary to ensure that all board decisions and actions are accurately documented and communicated


As a board member with the title of secretary, your main responsibility will be to keep the official records of the organization. This includes recording the minutes of all board meetings, maintaining a record of all board decisions and actions, and ensuring that the organization’s bylaws are followed. You may also be responsible for maintaining the organization’s membership list, and ensuring that all members are informed about upcoming meetings and events.

In addition to these administrative duties, as a board member you will be responsible for helping to set the organization’s goals and strategies, making decisions about how the organization’s resources should be used, and providing oversight to ensure that the organization is operating effectively and efficiently.

It’s important to note that as a board member, you have a legal and ethical responsibility to act in the best interests of the organization and its stakeholders, which includes its members, donors, and the broader community it serves. This means that you should be committed to upholding the organization’s mission and values, and making decisions that will help it achieve its goals and make a positive impact in the world.


As the Treasurer of the organization, your primary duties include managing the organization’s finances and ensuring that its financial resources are used efficiently and effectively. Your specific responsibilities include:

  • Developing, maintaining, and overseeing the organization’s budget, in collaboration with the President and other board members
  • Monitoring the organization’s income and expenses, and ensuring that they are accurately recorded and reported
  • Ensuring that the organization complies with all financial reporting requirements, including filing any necessary tax returns and providing financial statements to the board
  • Managing the organization’s bank accounts, including opening and closing accounts, as needed
  • Overseeing any financial audits or reviews, and ensuring that any recommendations are implemented
  • Developing and implementing financial policies and procedures to ensure that the organization operates with transparency and accountability
  • Reviewing and approving any financial transactions or contracts, in collaboration with the President and other board members
  • Providing financial reports and updates to the board on a regular basis, and alerting the board to any potential financial issues or concerns
  • Working with the President and other board members to identify potential funding sources and develop fundraising strategies
  • Ensuring that the organization maintains appropriate insurance coverage to protect its assets and minimize risk
  • Collaborating with the Secretary to ensure that all financial decisions and actions are accurately documented and communicated
  • Educating board members on the organization’s financial position, and providing guidance on financial matters, as needed
  • By fulfilling these duties, the Treasurer plays a crucial role in maintaining the financial health and stability of the organization, and ensuring that its resources are used effectively to achieve its mission and goals.


  • Jessica Mulein

    Jessica Mulein's dedication to technology began at the tender age of 12, setting the foundation for her future endeavors. In 1995, she co-founded Silicon Connections, an Internet Service Provider that remains active under the leadership of her co-founder. Jessica's career path led her to Microsoft, marking a notable chapter in her professional journey. Parallel to this, her unwavering commitment to Open Source inspired the establishment of Digital Defiance in 2022, which was incorporated in 2023. Even in its early stages, Digital Defiance is actively exploring promising opportunities, such as corporate matching and giving programs. Today, alongside her role at Microsoft, Jessica provides strategic direction as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Digital Defiance.